Nevada GOP submits criminal referral to DOJ, alleging thousands of voter fraud cases.

2 mins read

NORTH LAS VEGAS, NV — On November 5th, The Nevada Republican Party submitted a criminal referral to the Department of Justice alleging thousands of voter fraud cases.

“Our lawyers just sent a criminal referral to AG Barr regarding at least 3,062 instances of voter fraud,” the Nevada Republican Party released in a statement. “We expect that number to grow substantially. Thousands of individuals have been identified who appear to have violated the law by casting ballots after they moved from NV.”

In a letter sent to the Department of Justice, attornies Shana Weir and Jesse R. Binnall stated,

“Dear Attorney General Barr:

This firm, in conjunction with Harvey & Binnall, PLLC, represents Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. We write to bring to your attention criminal voter fraud in the State of Nevada in the 2020 general election.

Specifically, we have identified 3,062 individuals who appear to have improperly cast mail ballot in the election. We verified this by cross-referencing the names + addresses of voters with National Change of Address database.

We verified this by word referencing the names and addresses of voters with the National Change of Address database. Enclosed, please find a letter sent to Joseph Gloria, the Clark County Registar, outlining our findings. We also anticipate that the final list of fraudulent ballots will grow substantially and we will update you as we learn more.

Of course, voter fraud is a serious federal felony, one that cuts to the heart of our representative democracy. We understand that these are serious allegationas and do not take them lightly. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.”

As of 7:01 AM (November 6, 2020), Biden leads Trump by 11,428 votes in Nevada. Therefore, if thousands of illegal voters cast ballots without being legal residents of Arizona, this could tremendously narrow Biden’s advantage.

Trump’s attornies have filed a lawsuit in Nevada, which is currently advancing through the court system.

Caiden Cowger

Caiden Cowger is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Washington Reformer. In 2015, he was recognized by Talker's Magazine as being the youngest syndicated radio host in the nation.


Mr. Cowger hosts the talk radio show The Caiden Cowger Program.

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