Pentagon denies cutting off Biden from transition briefings.

1 min read
Acting Defense Secretary Christopher C. Miller briefs reporters from the Pentagon, Washington, D.C. Nov. 17, 2020. (DoD Photo by U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Jack Sanders)

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon has denied cutting off presumptive President-Elect Joe Biden from receiving transition briefings, according to a statement released by the Department of Defense.

In a statement, acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller expressed that it was a mutually-agreed upon ‘holiday pause.’

“After the mutually-agreed upon holiday pause, which begins tomorrow, we will continue with the transition and rescheduled meetings from today,” Miller stated. “Again, I remain committed to a full and transparent transition – this is what our nation expects and the DoD will deliver AS IT ALWAYS HAS.”

Despite numerous reports alleging Biden was abruptly denied further briefings, the Pentagon firmly expressed that such allegations are false.

Caiden Cowger

Caiden Cowger is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Washington Reformer. In 2015, he was recognized by Talker's Magazine as being the youngest syndicated radio host in the nation.


Mr. Cowger hosts the talk radio show The Caiden Cowger Program.

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