The New ‘War On Terror’

10 mins read

The greatest lie that has ever ravaged humanity is that the state and the people are one in the same; striving for the same goals, facing the same enemies, protecting the same values. By way of this, the government will pillage culture so that they may hang their own violence and desire over the heads of the masses. This breeds fear, and fear is demanding of security. Those who create their own demand for security determine the price at which that security comes, and all too often the only acceptable sacrifice to quench the state’s craving is liberty. 

Throughout history, it is routinely seen that chaos is the engine that drives fear, and it is fear alone that breeds a vacuum for power. This is well-expressed through the Hegelian Dialectic which relies on a contradictory process between opposing sides. Put simply, an agenda can be furthered by controlling the problem and the solution. In recent times we have seen this with the push to eliminate alternative media. Establishment media will pass off verifiably false stories as true and then complain about a rash of “fake news” overtaking society. To solve this problem, they propose censorship through establishment tech. An erosion of free speech, gaining steam by the day, is then set in motion. 

In light of the events at the Capitol on January 6th, we are seeing a resurgence of this Hegelian Dialectic in the form of a second “war on terror”. This was confirmed on a recent episode of Morning Joe in which CIA analyst-turned House Representative Elissa Slotkin said domestic terrorism is the single greatest threat to America, and that “the post 9/11 era is over”. Slotkin – who helped both the Bush and Obama administrations destabilize the Middle East – is no stranger to the dynamics involved with a power vacuum manifested from chaos. Life itself is about conflict, and Slotkin knows that utilizing that for state power is dependent on shaping the public’s perception. This is why the establishment sectors move in lockstep to exalt ‘the narrative’ above all else. 

This past summer Black Lives Matter and Antifa burned cities, blocked highways, looted businesses, and killed scores of innocent civilians and police officers. The establishment painted this in a positive light with many Democrat politicians encouraging more riots and violence. The media helped to shape people’s perception by giving considerable air-time to every instance of a black person being shot by police while simultaneously ignoring FBI crime statistics, and in many instances, the circumstances surrounding the shooting. The basis for this positively-aimed “peaceful protest” narrative rests on the foundation of their demands that will ultimately lead to far more chaos, racism, and overall division. As the state knows, a divided house cannot stand, and where a house falls rests power to be gained for the price of liberty. Pushing to ‘Defund the Police’ alone has led to crime spikes that could reliably be predicted, creating chaos that requires further state intervention. In short, the BLM/Antifa riots aided the establishment on multiple fronts. Those who want more government intervention were empowered against those who want less government intervention. 

It seems as if, suddenly, the establishment narrative on riots has shifted from being “necessary unrest” to being “domestic terrorism” once the crowd that wants ‘less government’ was able to be blamed. There is still plenty of speculation around the affiliates who incited the riot at the Capitol, but either way the narrative was established. The Democrat-Media Complex did not hesitate to label the event as an “insurrection”, with even Joe Biden claiming everyone involved was a “domestic terrorist”. It was an opportunity to vilify Trump, his supporters, and – more importantly – any citizen tired of the government’s unconstitutional overreach. The deep-seated purpose is to instill a fear that runs ice cold in the veins of the masses for the sole purpose of yielding consent to previously-unfathomable abuses of power. Sure enough, this seems to be a target the Biden administration has set its sights on. 

The President-elect has said he has plans to pass a law against domestic terrorism and to create a White House post overseeing the fight against violent extremists. This includes passing more red-flag laws, which allows authorities to seize firearms from people deemed “dangerous”. A primary concern is that Biden’s history of supporting leftist violence will lead to politicized laws, just as he tried to do when he not only voted for, but on many occasions, took credit for writing the core of the 2001 PATRIOT Act. 

In 2008, CNET reported the following: 

“Months before the Oklahoma City bombing took place, [then-Senator Joe] Biden introduced another bill called the Omnibus Counterterrorism Act of 1995. It previewed the 2001 Patriot Act by allowing secret evidence to be used in prosecutions, expanding the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and wiretap laws, creating a new federal crime of ‘terrorism’ that could be invoked based on political beliefs, permitting the U.S. military to be used in civilian law enforcement, and allowing permanent detention of non-U.S. citizens without judicial review. The Center for National Security Studies said the bill would erode ‘constitutional and statutory due process protections’ and would ‘authorize the Justice Department to pick and choose crimes to investigate and prosecute based on political beliefs and associations.’”

The bill was never voted on, but after the 9/11 terror attacks, it was resurrected as the core of the PATRIOT Act. 

We are now staring down the barrel of another batch of infringements aimed at our Constitutional rights as Biden has called January 6th “one of the darkest days in the history of our nation”. It is difficult to see his policy proposals as anything other than the ultimate conclusion of an agenda designed to silence every ounce of political opposition through state force. 

The technology sector of the establishment has already cracked down on alternative avenues for conservative-minded people after Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Shopify, Pinterest, Reddit, and Twitch began banning conservatives en masse, with some companies banning President Trump himself. Chief among the claims for censorship is ‘incitement of violence’, but the far more consistent and reliable claim comes back to political ideology. Meanwhile, the free-speech alternatives of Gab and Parler are in a constant battle against deplatforming and false accusations from leftists afraid of losing the ability to influence public perception. 

This new ‘war on terror’ will further the ability of Democrats to censor, arrest, and pillage the lives of every last conservative. As planned, they have support from nearly half the nation that has been duped into viewing conservatives as ignominious swine. This divide in America will never be healed so long as lies are passed off as truth and contradictions abound in the prevailing political ideology. Unfortunately, this is inherent in the establishment narrative because it will always be constructed with falsehoods, spread through deception, strengthened through dependence, and exalted above all else. George Orwell’s 1984 was meant to be a warning, but it is being utilized as an instruction manual. 


“Insurrection is the most sacred of rights and the most indispensable of duties.”

Marquis de Lafayette

Ben Shields

Ben Shields is a freelance journalist and investigative reporter for The Washington Reformer. After majoring in physics at Ithaca College, he began studying the political philosophy of Murray Rothbard, Ludwig von Mises, and Hans Hoppe. In an attempt to combat establishment media propaganda, Ben founded The Right Media in May of 2017.

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