Today: Sep 20, 2024

The Fraud In Chief betrays our troops.

4 years ago

Contrary to the glowing praise heaped upon Biden from Marxist boot-licker news networks such as CNN, Joe is a screw up. He always has been a screw up and he always will be. He used thousands of military men to protect him at his inauguration. He also wanted them there to provide an illusion that there were actually people there in attendance. After he was done with them, he tossed them aside like a kid does when he’s finished playing with plastic army men.

After Pelosi screamed for more and more troops to protect ‘her’ capitol from a non-existent threat, our military were forced into a cold parking garage instead of being provided sleeping quarters in a warm building.

The story is that a member of the National Guard was not wearing a mask on federal property (just like the Cheater in Chief) and some Democrat congressworm freaked out. This resulted in the troops being forced into an underground parking garage with no sleeping mats and only ONE bathroom.

Compare this disgusting treatment of the military to how President Trump treated the troops…tells you everything!
