Today: Sep 20, 2024

About The Reformer

The mission of The Washington Reformer is rooted in the enduring principles of western tradition.

Seven Principles for the Conduct of The Reformer

  1. Our foremost duty is to report the truth, striving always to report it as closely as possible.
  2. We pledge to present the full truth, to the best of our knowledge, regarding significant events and developments in America and internationally.
  3. As purveyors of news, we uphold the standards of decency expected of a private individual.
  4. Everything we publish shall be suitable for readers of all ages, ensuring our content is informative and appropriate.
  5. Our allegiance lies with our readers, the public interest, and God.
  6. In our pursuit of truth, we are prepared to make sacrifices in our own interests if it serves the greater good.
  7. The Washington Reformer stands independent of any special interest, maintaining fairness, freedom, and objectivity in our coverage of public affairs and figures.

Ownership Structure

The Washington Reformer is under the ownership of Caiden Cowger, the founder of Cowger Media, reflecting a commitment to journalistic excellence and public service.

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